Friday, April 15, 2011


I started to write again
But all the poems just trail off before they end
I started to paint again
But none of them are finished yet
When I go to bed at night
You’re the thing in my sight
Right before I fall asleep
Dreams of you don’t seem to keep
Until morning comes awake
They don’t get me anywhere in the day
But I write them anyway
I paint the confusion away
Songs that remind me of you
Shuffle on my itunes
A playlist just for you, my friend
Songs that always send
Me into melancholy when
I wonder how things could have been
You’ll never hurt that way again
And all the things I did
They don’t matter anymore
I’m done trying to keep score
I don’t think that’s how love works
I don’t think it’s supposed to hurt
And the couch in the living room
Still smells like my perfume
The Decembers came too fast
And all those moments became the past
I’ve bled my thoughts on a page
And they brought me to better days
I started to write again
And this time the words make more sense
I started to paint again
But sometimes it’s hard to see
The picture isn’t as pretty as I want it to be
There’s an ugly streak of blood-bright red
But I don’t paint over it, instead
I add a shade of blue
The feeling I have in you
Things can’t stay this way
So I paint your blues away
And I know that there’s no way to forget
So I take a step back to see what I get
The prettiest shade of violet